Welcome to my blog!
Thank you for stopping by and visiting my page! I'm truly grateful for your support!
I am Monachini.
My name is based on the scientific name of a creature I associate my personality the most with: A Monk Seal.
Curious about the choice of animal? Keep checking my posts for the reveal sometime soon... :)
Truth is, I've always wanted to have a space for myself where I can pen down random thoughts or opinions about general happenings and ideas that I hold dear to myself. But I've stopped myself from having an online presence for the fear of "putting myself out there".
As someone who's always been apprehensive and rather secretive about sharing too much about myself, I've put off the thought of having a blog for as long as I could. But somewhere, over the years, I wanted to just have this creative outlet for myself - where I could post silly musings or thought-provoking, hilarious anecdotes from time to time.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to state that any characters, settings or people mentioned on this platform are purely fictional, all my ideas are to be taken as mere funny incidents or ideas, the point is this dear reader: don't take any of these ideas too seriously!
What I'm aspiring for is to be able to enlighten some of you with the weird and curious workings of my mind (the churning and whirring of the machines that keep working away in my brain) and hopefully, you'll come to understand what kind of a person I can be.
This isn't an insight into everything about me though. There's still quite a lot I'm coming to discover everyday about myself. And then there's me having most of my identity shrouded in mystery, hidden in plain sight, yet under carefully concealed veils...
With this blog, I wish to chart a new path through the sea of perceptions and the untamed waves, swirling with the eccentric nature of my existence. I wish to gain a notion of who I am and what I can be.
I hope some of you will hop onto my ship as we set sail on the amazing wonders of the human existence and the brilliance of what the world holds for us!
I'll be diving deep into the mysterious waters around me until then, gathering intuitions and insights that I hope to share here.
Thanks for joining me once again and I'll see you all very soon!
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