Weathering the Seasons

 Weathering the Seasons

We either love all the seasons or brave through them just enough to keep getting by. Or maybe, we keep losing track of the moments we're currently in and keep wishing for something else, something that's completely different from what we've got somehow.

Perhaps, a little picturization and glorification of each season with the magic of words can help us "weather" our way through them!

As winter makes its way at the end of the year spreading its icy ivory-white cloak with a sudden and surprising swoosh, it's marking up a path across the grey, sooty skies and the murky, moist chocolate soils of the fragrant Earth. Mysterious and misty, it sweeps through the last autumn leaves and emerald green plants in its way, turning them into spectacular crystals of ice and dew; of perfect, transparent frozen wonderfulness, and leaves amazement behind. With every silent step it takes, it leaves everyone to witness drastic transformation of scenes into a melancholic gray and white, with utter silence being disturbed by the occasional howl of a wolf or that of a firefly, fluttering its wings in the dense forests around. With snow, ice and mist around, it's as though nature's hiding all the shades of color in its magical creations to recreate artsy works in charcoal black and vanilla white. Its presence reminds us to kindle our hearts with warmth and gratitude. To let light, sunshine and happy thoughts spread through every corner even when everything turns ice-cold and frozen. To appreciate what every season or moment has to offer, the powerful messages of regrowth, development and hope.

Perspiration, but not from over-exertion or working out. Ice pops, sweet, sticky and slightly slushy. An amazing pair of sunglasses. Coconuts and Palm trees. Sugary lemonades and dripping ice cream cones. With every blink of your eye and every bead of  sweat dripping down your brows, oh how you wish to retreat into an ice cold retreat, far aware from the merciless glare of the overbearing sun! The mighty, powerful celestial body, with no sign of stopping at all lest for the occasional sense of momentary relief from a fleeting fluffy cloud. Vacation mode and the constant desire to take multiple baths every day. Just feeling sweaty and gross but also immense bliss from getting to gorge on a multitude of mango varieties. It's the season where you don't want to stay indoors but it's way too hot when you want to travel too. This is a period when the appreciation for how precious water is, is at its best. As bright, yellow sunbeams come crashing down onto the ground, dream of sipping on fizzy lemonades or fresh, frothy pineapple juice.

Imagine the opening with Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik... The suspense and thrill! Followed by a significant display of lightning and thunder to overwhelm your senses. Drip-drop, splitter-splatter, plonk, and what starts with a few dark clouds, perhaps a strong gust of earthy-scented wind, and tiny, harmless drops ensues a downpour within a fraction of a minute. With tiny puddles, little ponds everywhere, frogs croaking, glow worms moving about frantically, tis' the season for the parched, desperate earth and all of its beings to quench their thirst with glee. Where the dry, barren and cracked soil gets replenished and enriched with moisture, where streams and rivers gurgle with fresh, white bubbling waters and are overbrimming with joy. It's kind of dark, glum and wet to go outside but it's the best sort of weather to stay indoors and sit in solitude with a cup of tea and reminisce.

And then, there's spring. Pops of color everywhere. Flowers, butterflies, bees and whatnot. Splashes of reds, violets and yellows on the ground, hidden among the tall grasses or the tiniest of shrubs. And the greens have never looked more green too! The sky flashes its most vivid shade of blues throughout the day and you're never likely to be more fascinated with how fluffy and white the mighty clouds move about! How mundane and ordinary would the sky be indeed, just a two dimensional sight of colors and hue weren't it for the artsy, airy clouds! Sometimes, all we really need is that touch of puffy and white to bring in a sense of depth to the world. For the right touch of dimension to our existence. Sometimes, beauty is just a dash of white clouds in the bluest blues of the atmosphere above.


  1. Wonderful Anu. Very beautifully expressed. Do some paintings and post to go with this. I enjoyed that combination earlier too. It's a feast both to the eyes and mind.


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