Kaleidoscope of Emotions
Kaleidoscope of Emotions A long-due hello from your old internet pal, I'm Monachini! Wow! It has been long, hasn't it? You see, I kept telling myself that I should really get back to writing soon but somehow, whenever I planned to sit down, relax, and start pouring my thoughts out, there was always something that kept cropping in from some mysterious nook, ready to pull me back into my work. And it would end up where I wouldn't have anything to write about. I just realized that I started this blog more than a year ago, so as a little celebratory gift to myself for somehow managing to put up nearly a dozen posts online, I thought I'd share another personal anecdote. This one's titled "Kaleidoscope of Emotions" because, the Kaleidoscope is truly a blank canvas, just waiting for each tiny twist, each minute rotation to generate colorful, complex, and intricate patterns, one more unique than the other and I think it's the same with our emotions too. There...