An attempt at achieving alliteration (No pun intended!)
An attempt at achieving alliteration (No pun intended!)
Note: Proceed with caution and seriously, good luck for making it till the end of this!
Allow attempts at ascertaining absolute absurd ambitions,
But beware before being baffled, bewildered by blunders, believing baseless beliefs bygone.
Confront complexities, contemplate chaotic choices cleverly, consider certain convictions carefully.
Dearest dreamer! Dodge dangers, don't dare delve deeper down drowsy, daft daydreams.
Evade excruciating evaluation, eschew expectations, endeavor escaping everything extreme.
Forget fretting futility! For fear forces failure, fortifies fickle futures, furthers frustration forever.
Gather goals galore, grasp glories gigantic! Grow gently, gradual grit generates generous gratification.
Honor humility. Hail humor, health, harmony, hospitality. However, hope humans have humanity.
Introspect ideas, invest in imagination, imbibing intelligence. Ignore idiocy, illogical intentions.
Jettison judgement, jests, jealous jibes. Just journal - jotting joyous journeys, jocular jousts.
Keep knowledge, kindred kinships, kindness. Knockout knackering, knotty kryptonite.
Learn living lithe, logical lives lest lament leniency, laziness, lethargic lameness later.
Make memorable moments, manifest miracles, master meaningful mindfulness moreover, mercifulness.
Nullify nasty notions, narrow-minded, noisy nuisances. Nurture navigating normalcy not nonsense.
Onward! Off on one odyssey of our own! Orchestrate obtaining optimism over obscured opinions.
Persist patiently, painstakingly. Possess palpable perspectives, praise perceptiveness, perpetual peace.
Quell queasy qualms quickly. Quote quirky quips. Quieten quarrels.
Revere rationality. Realize realistic rewards. Recognize reconciliation. Read, reflect, reform.
Seek serenity, savor silence sans sound. Simulate sufficient, sensational successes. Salute sensibility.
Trounce turbulent thoughts, trivial troubles to treasure tranquility. Tolerate the timid, they're talented too.
Understand, unravel unparalleled uniqueness, unconventional unknowns unbiasedly, unafraid.
Venture valiantly. Value vigilant vigor, validate victorious, vindicative vibes!
Wonder whether world would worship wisdom, welcome weird, whimsical workaholics wholeheartedly
Xenial, xenacious (Be warm, kind and have this yearning to change, to adapt for the better)
Yes, you'll yield your youthful, yonder yearnings (sooner than later perhaps!)
Zone-out zestfully, zoetically, zenfully!
The End!
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