A review of the book "Walking the Himalayas"
A review of the book "Walking the Himalayas" Image Source: Flipkart In all honesty, this is one of my first attempts at writing a review for a book that I've read and enjoyed very much. One glance at the title, and this is what popped into my mind: Levison Wood – ‘a man who will stare danger in the face and soak up a lot of pain without complaint’. Walking the Himalayas is an adventure-travelogue written by British adventurer, photographer, and journalist Levison Wood. This book is an account of Levison’s expedition of crossing a stretch of the Himalayas from the Wakhan Corridor in Afghanistan to Gangkhar Puensum in Bhutan on foot. Inspired by the historical expeditions of ancient explorers and his fascination with the ancient Silk route, Levison strays away from the tourist trail to explore the lesser-known and authentic world of the Himalayan region. Crossing steep mountains and trekking through narrow passes, his journey of nearly 1700 miles focuses on understanding ...