Climb the stage


Climb the stage

"All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women are merely players"

  - William Shakespeare

A curtain unfolds the moment you are born in the world, with the spotlight on you as you enter a stage set for an unknown play. You have no idea of whatever's happening and why there is so much of a frenzied environment around you. Every day is a new adventure as you meet different characters who are simply living their roles and marking their presence through your journey. It's not for quite a long period of time that you come to realize everyone has their own version of what this play is and where they get to live through it every moment. Every single action of a character leads to the birth of a new story. Several characters themselves get weaved into the delicate fabric of your life and into the very plot of the storyline. It's all extremely unpredictable but that is what makes it all the more exhilarating. It's a mixture of chaos and excitement, of happiness and glory, and a tad bit of melancholy or just complete pandemonium.

The viewer can experience one of the many stories in diverse ways, depending on the narration. Every one of us is just a pebble among millions, strewn haphazardly all over the globe. We live through all the things we see, with all of our thoughts and memories. We are both the actors and the audience in the play of life. We are the stories we read and the fables we are taught. Try to believe that every person has something unique to offer to the world. Here's a silly joke for you: "Never try judging someone or the situation they're in, unless you're planning for a career in law". None of the characters in this complex play are perfect. This "play" will never represent the honesty and naturalness of what life has to offer unless it is imperfectly perfect. However, as Dumbledore said, life provides us an opportunity where choices determine who someone is rather than their abilities. You can always choose who you want to be despite the circumstances you may find yourself in. And that makes all the difference. 

The flaws and quirks in each of these characters can add to their strengths and develop their personality. Being surrounded by the right people can inspire, motivate and guide a person on the path their story takes them on. Sometimes, inspiration can strike from the stories within the stories of the play in the form of books with amazing fictional characters. Sometimes, the perfect pop song or rock music can be just the strength you need. And sometimes, all you really need is a moment with yourself where you are simply at peace. Just be yourself. It doesn't matter if people think you're weird or a strange little thing because only "you" can channel out what it means to view the world as you do, being absorbed in your own bubble of curiosity and wonder of what the world has to offer.

So, stretch the map of discoveries and extend the plots within your play, keep pushing those boundaries and never fear of being led astray. Chart out new adventures for yourself and swim in the biggest pool of memories. Just be grateful that you're the main lead in your story, the script's in your hands and giddy up on this journey, as you ride away with the setting sun.


  1. So wonderfully written. You made my day. It was quite reassuring for me to know I can be myself. your musings helped me come out of a bad mood resulted when somebody tried to judge me. You express yourself so well. It was like I am reading my own unwritten words ....keep writing. I became your fan.


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