A ball of thread

A ball of thread 

 Life is just a big ball of thread. 

 In my opinion, everyone gets acquainted with this woolly ball from the moment they enter a state of existence on this planet, but my intention here is to just give a description of “my” take on "my" ball so far. 

It's a humongous, gigantic, never-ending ball of woolen thread. There’s so many colors you could find it in, all sorts of textures and variations but despite what may be contrasting descriptions of how it might truly seem, real beauty lies in how each of these balls has its own distinct personality and yet, such similarity in life.  

Each of these yarn bundles start unraveling from the moment you're born. Big eyes, a cluster of soft, black hair, and a tiny, cute nose maybe, huh? You blink a couple of times the first time you get to experience the world around you. Those few moments, I imagine must be in slow-motion, where you're trying to absorb a lot of data into your brain (the first thoughts and movement in neurons, always the best!), all the sounds and voices you hear, all those different smells around, dealing with people trying to get your attention - maybe getting you to eat, laugh and giggle or just shut up and sleep for a while. All the while, the "thread of life", as I like to call it, is going in a straight line. It's all good so far. The thread's opening and spinning out from its cocoon, and going down the plain road, no bumps at all... just soft grass, a few butterflies and lilies maybe. And then the plot deepens... 

It's that phase where you're introduced to the joy of discovering and learning. I imagine you're that kid with a magnifying glass in your hand, going around the house pretending to be an explorer. Or you could build an enormous tower with your mighty-magical Lego blocks. There must have been a few 'impenetrable' pillow forts, or a couple of story-reading sessions under a blanket, torch in hand and giggling away at the sight of funny shadows around you. I must admit that I'm smiling right now, remembering all my funny antics and imaginative playfulness. Then, things start getting a little more complicated. It's that phase where you're presented with choices. Is it always this, or that one, or the other one maybe? So, the "thread of life" is shifting around all these different paths now. It's so confusing to consider where it's headed, until several moments later it's already rolling down some new path before you can think things through. Would there be cliffs or rocky peaks now? Any lakes or rivers to get across? I was always nervous at these stages imagining how different circumstances might have been, had I chosen another path from the several my mind was unpleasantly conjuring up. Would they have been better? Could I have done something that was contrastingly different instead?  

No one can ever know. I guess the best we can do is to convince ourselves of our decisions and move on to get the best out of them. So, the thread now comes across a not-so-perfect road. There are bumps, a few hiccups and since you're a champion with determination to believe in the idea of making something for yourself at the end of the day, your thread keeps rolling on. Good job! Let's come back to the moment. Look at the situation around you.... there's chaos and mayhem everywhere, and I find my "thread of life" all bungled up. It's looped around everything, everywhere and I "see" my metaphorical thread being tied to all the objects around me. It's almost like that fly in a spider's silky, silvery thread, only this is more unorganized. There's no pattern. There's no sense of definiteness. There's no "I know what's going to happen after all this..." And then, I suddenly find myself in an indescribable state of being frozen and stuck in a world that’s moving at an expeditious rate. Sometimes, there are a lot of knots, ones that cannot be undone and without realizing, they may make you experience fatigue and tiredness. You begin to question the path the thread's moving on towards. Wouldn't it be simply marvelous if we'd know with some definite probability how the thread moves and when? 

 But then, I think there would be no "mystery" in life. It'd be just like staring at your face in the mirror every morning, to just see the same, expected image. Nothing new. Or exciting. And that is exactly what we must strive to avoid. Stop bombarding yourself with these endless questions.  

We must be brave to embrace the oncoming, patient to see what it has to offer and believe that we all will get somewhere with our threads rolling out all the while. 

 Just remember to live one day at a time. Let that thread keep rolling on and hope for your life to roll itself out, in its own messy and tangled way. 

Here's another reminder to keep looking for good things ahead! This one's titled "Awaiting"!!


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